Friday, March 28

Richard A. Clarke National Security Essay Competition

The Richard A. Clarke National Scholarly Monograph Competitions were held in 2011, 2012 and 2013, and were financed by the A-Mark Foundation of Santa Monica, California, run by The Center for First Amendment Studies at California State University, Long Beach, in conjunction with the A-Mark Foundation website The .pdf files of the winning essays may be found by clicking on the titles below.

2011 Winning Essays

  1. Lessons Learned and Unlearned: The Tenth Anniversary of September 11, 2001
    Sara Bjerg Moller—First Place Winner
  2. Failure of American Strategic Thought and 911
    Dimitar Georgiev—Second Prize Winner
  3. The Patriot Act and the Public Library: An Unanticipated Threat to National Security
    Jennifer L. Freer—Third Prize Winner

2012 Winning Essays

  1. Killing Them With Kindness: A Softer Approach to Preventing Violent Extremism and Countering Radicalization in the War on Terrorism
    Melissa Jane Kronfeld—First Place Winner
  2. Local Solutions and Community-Oriented Policing
    Jiayi Zhou—Second Prize Winner
  3. Counterterrorism: Seeking Successful Policies at the International Frontier
    Tamara Zaman—Third Prize Winner

2013 Winning Essays

  1. Not Whether Machines Think, But Whether Men Do
    Jane Stack—First Place Winner
  2. Challenging the Legality of the U.S. Targeted Killing Program
    Samia Hossain—Second Prize Winner